Weekly Updates (Abigail Odum)

Week 3

 We got a lot of things accomplished this week, in our 5-8 lesson we watched last year's preliminary tasks and it gave us an idea of what we had to do. We discussed the shots we were going to use in our preliminary task, and then we teamed up with another group to film the task.

 We encountered some difficulties at the beginning because none of us had any experience with a camera so we had to figure out how to work it gradually by experimenting and trying out different things with the camera. We filmed our preliminary three times before we got it right because we kept breaking the 180 degree rule, however practice makes perfect so after the second time we realised where we were going wrong and we fixed the problem by changing the shots. We finished editing our preliminary task, we created a YouTube account and we uploaded the preliminary task onto there and then we put it in our blog. Also we did an evaluation for the preliminary task.

 In addition we decided to change our thriller sequence title from 'Unsuspected Criminals' to just 'Unsuspected' this is because we thought the title we had before was too obvious and we just didn't like it so we changed it to maintain the mystery. Also we changed our font style to 'Cursive' and we made some changes to the layout of the page to make it look more presentable. As we read through our questionnaire we realised that some of the questions that we had didn't have anything to do with our sequence and wouldn't benefit us in any way so we improved some of the questions.

 We had a meeting during our 5-8 media lesson, we discussed our roles in detail and we shared out the tasks equally, we also talked about problems we may have encountered whilst doing the tasks. Genre research, our treatment, bbfc research and the codes and convention research have been completed. Next week we hope to have our production logo, location notes, cast notes and prop notes on our blog.