Title sequences (Billy Camden)

“A title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast member, or both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound. It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening credits, which are generally nothing more than a series of superimposed text”.

This was taken from a website called http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Title_sequence. This gave me an idea of what title sequences are and when and how to use them during the editing process. I looked into a film called ‘District 9’ and how they used their title sequences in introducing the film.

From carrying out research into how the stages of an opening title sequence are produced I have found that the order usually revolves around introducing the director, the creator’s logo, who the film was associated with and who the film is by, then the film begins. This was evident in the opening title sequence of the film ‘District 9’. This is how it began:

This is the logo of the company who produced the film, i have noticed that in a lot of movies opening title sequence, this is how they start it.

They then went onto show the directors name, this is to indicate who the film was directed by.

Following on from the directors name the titles introduce of the film was associated with, so basically the companies that aslo helped in producing the film.

The titles then move on to mentioning who the film the film was produced by, in this case the movies producers are from a company called 'Wingnut'. Also as this is the last action of the title sequence diegetic dialogue begins to start playin, many films do this to add mystery to the film and it is also a good way for the audience to know when the film is about to begin.

After all of the opening titles are played and the audience have been introduced to the creation of the film the film can start playing.