Production Brief
With regards to the above production brief, it would not allow me to put the whole document into one document, so i simply split the document in two and published them separately on our blog.
Posted by AbiBecBill Sunday, 28 February 2010 at Sunday, February 28, 2010
Production Brief
With regards to the above production brief, it would not allow me to put the whole document into one document, so i simply split the document in two and published them separately on our blog.
Posted by AbiBecBill Friday, 26 February 2010 at Friday, February 26, 2010
This is a screen shot of the call sheet that we use to take out the camera equipment when we need to film. As we are filming at my house i will be filling these out, printing them and giving the call sheet to the technicians when taking the equipment out.
Posted by AbiBecBill Tuesday, 23 February 2010 at Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Week 6
On Monday 15th February we got together with our characters to film the outside scenes of our sequence unfortunately Tobi, playing Melinda was not able to make it due to the fact that she was changing the style of her hair, if we shot her with two different hairstyles it wouldn't make sense.
We started filming around 3:00pm so it wasn't too dark, when we started filming we came across a few problems. We set up the camera near the road so every time a car came by we had to move the camera and this meant we had to adjust the camera so it wasn't slanted. Apart from that our two characters embraced their roles and we managed to get all the shots we needed for the exterior scenes. It was important for us to get some filming done over the half term as we were able to watch the tape and spot any mistakes and it gave us more ideas and ways to improve. Next week we hope to finish filming completely and get started on editing the footage. During the filming process we made some changes to our shots and so we have to take new photos for our storyboard in which delaying the uploading of our storyboard.
Billy also added some information on the software that we have and will use during our coursework task. He explained how and why we would use them and above all when. By next week we hope to have our shot list and production brief completed
Posted by AbiBecBill at Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill Monday, 22 February 2010 at Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Narrative theory studies the devices and conventions governing the organisation of a story (fictional or factual) into a sequence. Narrative especially that of film and TV, has an immense ability to manipulate our awareness of time and place e.g. flashbacks, replays of action and slow motion.
There are 2 main modes of narrative which need to be structured.
1. The narrative of events e.g. - A hero shoots an enemy agent, dives into a lake, triggers a remote control device which will destroy the enemy submarine.
2. The narrative of drama e.g. - The heroine has a tense argument with the hero and decides that she is going to leave. Nothing has happened in terms of events but a lot has happened dramatically.
Restricted narrative can be used to surprise an audience e.g. when a character does not know what's waiting around the corner and neither does the audience. A degree of unrestricted narrative can be used to build suspense, as the audience are anticipating the events to come, of which the character has no knowledge.
[Francois Truffaut, Hitchcock (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967) pg 52]
Using Narrative to make meaning in film
Stories are very important in helping us to make sense of our lives and the world around us. Bordwell and Thompson point out different ways in which we are surrounded by the story form. An example would be as a child we listen to fairy tales and myths. Reading material as we progress becomes short stories, novels, history and biographies.
Most of the films we see at the cinema are narrative films, films that tell a story. Even films which are factual often employ story methods to get this point across. We are so steeped in the narrative tradition that we approach a film with certain expectations, whether we know anything about the story or not. For example: we expect the opening to give us information about whom, what and where. We expect there to be characters that interact with each other. We expect to see a series of incident, which are connected with each other. We expect problems and conflicts. Finally we expect the ending to resolve the action or cast new light on what has happened.
As the viewer watches a film, they pick up cues, recall information, anticipate what will follow, and generally participate in the creation of the film's form. The film shapes the particular expectations by summoning up curiosity, suspense, and surprise. The viewer also develops hunches about the outcome of the action; these may control our expectations right up to the end. The ending has the task of satisfying or cheating expectations prompted by the film as a whole.
[Bordwell D. and Thompson, Film Art: An Introduction, 1993]
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Week 5
This week we went back to the location to take more pictures for our storyboard and then Billy used Photoshop to make the images black and white then he put them on Microsoft word, he put the pictures in order and wrote about it after that he hopes to upload the storyboard onto Scribd then put it on our blog for next week. Rebecca has completed the shortlist for our 2 minute sequence and we plan on filming during the half-term next week. We have informed our characters and they will all be available to film next week.
Also we had researched into the narrative codes of thrillers and have created a face book group to enhance our audience globally. Also Billy has done some research into title sequences and developed an understanding how to use them to mass effect when editing our opening sequence.
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Facebook has many features which makes it distinct from the competitors. One feature is the Facebook Fan Page. A fan page is a tool by which you can expand your social network, interact with your clients and customers and promote something. Rebecca created a fan page for our film as it would enable us to get feedback from various different people. Also it would help us in doing questionnaire research because we can collect responses from different people.
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
“A title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast member, or both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound. It usually follows but should not be confused with the opening credits, which are generally nothing more than a series of superimposed text”.
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Storyboards are a series of pictures that contain images displayed in sequence for the purpose of illustratring how the film is to be presented such as motion picture, animation, motion graphic and camera angles.
Storyboading is important when planning to make a film as it creates a better view for the film producers. Also when storyboarding it creates new ideas in the writers mind to what the story contains and help to see how the film will eventually look.
Storyboard update
We are currently in the process of producing our storyboard, as we have made some changes to our shot list we we started filming, we have to retake some pictures to match them to our film. Sorry for the delay we will have it up here ASAP.
Posted by AbiBecBill at Monday, February 22, 2010
Week 4
At the start of this week Billy took the location pictures and uploaded it onto our blog, he put it in numerical order and wrote about the location. I wanted to get all our cast together to take photos of them for their character profiles however we couldn't meet due to circumstances so I took pictures from their face book accounts and uploaded it unto our blog. I wrote about the characters and the reasons why we chose them.
In addition to this we got together as a group during the week and we discussed the shots we plan on using in our film. And then we took pictures for our storyboard. By next week we plan on getting our story board, narrative codes and research into title sequences completed.
Posted by AbiBecBill at Sunday, February 21, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill Saturday, 20 February 2010 at Saturday, February 20, 2010
Posted by AbiBecBill Tuesday, 9 February 2010 at Tuesday, February 09, 2010
I used the software Photoshop CS2 to create our production logo, I used the letters 'ABB' to represent the beginning of our names. I kept the colours dark as I wanted to represent the theme of our film. I knew how to use the software so I found it fairly easy to create our logo. I'm pleased with how it's turned out and I’m sure it will fit in well with our sequence.
Posted by AbiBecBill at Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Week 3
We got a lot of things accomplished this week, in our 5-8 lesson we watched last year's preliminary tasks and it gave us an idea of what we had to do. We discussed the shots we were going to use in our preliminary task, and then we teamed up with another group to film the task.
We encountered some difficulties at the beginning because none of us had any experience with a camera so we had to figure out how to work it gradually by experimenting and trying out different things with the camera. We filmed our preliminary three times before we got it right because we kept breaking the 180 degree rule, however practice makes perfect so after the second time we realised where we were going wrong and we fixed the problem by changing the shots. We finished editing our preliminary task, we created a YouTube account and we uploaded the preliminary task onto there and then we put it in our blog. Also we did an evaluation for the preliminary task.
In addition we decided to change our thriller sequence title from 'Unsuspected Criminals' to just 'Unsuspected' this is because we thought the title we had before was too obvious and we just didn't like it so we changed it to maintain the mystery. Also we changed our font style to 'Cursive' and we made some changes to the layout of the page to make it look more presentable. As we read through our questionnaire we realised that some of the questions that we had didn't have anything to do with our sequence and wouldn't benefit us in any way so we improved some of the questions.
We had a meeting during our 5-8 media lesson, we discussed our roles in detail and we shared out the tasks equally, we also talked about problems we may have encountered whilst doing the tasks. Genre research, our treatment, bbfc research and the codes and convention research have been completed. Next week we hope to have our production logo, location notes, cast notes and prop notes on our blog.