Software (Billy Camden)

With regards to the software that we have and will be using in both creating our blogs and the opening sequence of our thriller, we used software that we did already know how to use and other software that we have had to learn how to use. The first piece of software that we learnt how to use was 'scribd',
to create a much more effective and proffesional look to our blog we included the production schedule and the script on scribd. We found it quit easy to learn and we were happy with the end outcome. The next piece of software we again had to learn how to use was ''. We used this piece of software in creating our brainstorm which
we found had a great effect. We can now navigate freely and fluently through the brainstorn and see each aspect of what we intend to do.The next piece of software that we learnt how to use was 'Final cut pro', we used this software in the editing of our preliminary task, it took use a while to really grasp the sowtware but now with a bit more practise we are confident that our editor can use this software to good effect when editing our opening sequence. We will also be using the software 'Soundtrack pro' within the editing process. Although we did not use any music within our preliminary task we are confident that we will be able to use it in the opening sequence of our thriller. Accompanying soundtrack pro we will also be using 'Sound cloud' to upload the score music for our final opening sequence.
Throughout creating our storyboard we have used 'Photoshop' to create a 'drawing' effect on the picutres we took of our film. We just simply uploaded each picture individually and made them into pencil art so that it would look like a real and professional story board.