Weekly Updates (Abigail Odum)

Week 8

 This week was quite challenging for us. We booked the camera for the days we planned on filming however two of our characters proved to be unreliable. They were not able to film on any of the days we planned on filming so we decided to rely on each other. We all discussed what to do next and decided to take on the roles ourselves, this was more convenient as we all understood the storyline and what we needed to do.

 We also decided to change the storyline slightly; this was due to us changing our characters. We filmed on the 2nd and 6th of March, this was successful as we had gone through all the shots we were going to use and exactly how we were going to film the scenes. We had minor difficulties with the lighting but that was easily solved by us using curtains to block out the sunlight. On Saturday we filmed the exterior scenes, we found this to be straight forward and we knew what had to be done. By the end of this week we hope to have completely finished filming our sequence and also complete our individual filming journals.